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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Family Ties


My sister kindly asked me to put this dress in my remix, as she has it too and doesn't know what to wear it with. So sister, here is the ol' boots and belt with colored tights stand by. Works every time in my opinion.

When I was at my parents house a few weeks ago, my mom and I were going through old family photos. (Because we're mushy and cliche.) I found a photo of my mother, 24 years old with my sister who was barely 6 months old on her lap. Her dark hair is parted in the middle, she has an easy smile on her face. It occurred to me that we look just alike.

I didn't take the picture because family heirlooms don't fare well in my possession. Most of the time they end up…well, let's just say it's best to keep them in the photo album on a dry, cool shelf at my parent's house. We kept flipping through pages of photos. There is another photo of my mother. This time it's 1993, my mom is in her 30s. My mother's dark hair is in a deep side part, cut just to her chin. There I am standing next to my mom, 9 years old with dark hair, in a deep side part, cut just to my chin. We look just alike.

I've been wearing my hair in a center part lately and when I look in the mirror, all I see is that photo of my mother. It's a good reminder of where I come from, of who I am. And that if I can have half the life she's had, then I'll be doing good.

My mother and I don't look a whole lot a like these days, but it doesn't hurt to try.

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