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Monday, November 1, 2010

Autumn Road


{Shop: Dress, Boots, Socks}

It's finally starting to look like fall. Actually it's just starting to look like fall on this one street in a small suburb outside of Dallas. I was visiting my parents this weekend and while driving we passed by this pretty country road. Lucky for it, I was dressed for outfit pictures. The rest of Texas though still looks like it's August. I am halfway convinced that we will spend Thanksgiving in short sleeves and flip-flops. And as always in the Skeen household, in elastic pants. I can't eat a holiday meal without my trusty elastic pants. And of course plastic utensils because we are classy, always.

What am I even talking about? Elastic pants, thanksgiving and plastic utensils. Wait a minute, it must be November. That's what I'm talking about.

Oh and thanks for your response on the "to post or not to post an outfit" question. I guess I'm somewhere in between. I mean if it's a really, really bad outfit -- no one sees it. If it's just questionable, I throw it up on the ol' blog to garner responses. But there are definitely outfits you'll never see because some days a girl just doesn't feel like ironing, ya know?

Wow. This was the most random post ever. Oh wait, how about a photo of high school Kendi that I found at my parents house this weekend?

high school kendi

There we go. Now it's the most random post ever. You are very welcome.

{UPDATE: Oh heyyy, look who has a twin! This was totally unplanned, too. Great minds shop alike.}

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